Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Favorite Class Websites

Of all the websites showcased in class, three stood out as the best. The first of these great websites was made by Neyaz. Her website was very detailed an interesting. The way she used hyperlinks inside of photos was really unique and added a lot to the site as a whole. The second great website was authored by Erin. This site was great because of the professional look it possessed, which is perfect for who the site was geared to intentionally. Additionally, the site contained an embedded video that worked really well. The third and final great website was created by Chelsea. This site was superb due to the fact that the entire thing was created in photo shop. This allowed for the background to be two different photos that blended together perfectly. I was amazed by the skill and creativity of all of the websites created by this class, and these three websites were especially well done.

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